21 Apr The Treehouse Club ‘touch wood’ for Soapbox Derby with new entry!
Essex based nursery chain, The Treehouse Club have signed up to the Billericay Soapbox for their inaugural year in the competition. With their natural tree design and support from little Treehouse Club members the team are hoping to have a tree-mendous time!
Ashley Wilson, The Treehouse Club MD said, “The competition aligns perfectly with our brand and ethos; outdoor fun and education whilst supporting a sense of community and charity.
Our outdoor adventures promote the environment and to link with our brand we have built a soapbox tree trunk featuring a treehouse and adorned with bird decorations courtesy of the children.”
The Treehouse team includes children who have supported the design of the soapbox and build logistics as well as decoration and performance. Ashley continues, “We promote forestry learning through nature for children across our nurseries, preschools and holiday clubs, so it’s only natural to have our children to support from concept to competition!”
The Treehouse Club are raising funds for Mayflower Rotary who host the annual competition at Sun Corner in Billericay. Colin Campbell, Rotary, “After a break as a result of covid we are pleased to be back on track and are thrilled to welcome teams and spectators to the Soapbox derby. It is a great day out for the whole family and helps to raise vital funds for local charities”
If you would like to attend the Soapbox Derby takes place on Sunday 30th April, tickets are on sale at https://billericaymayflowerrotaryclub.yourticketbooking.com/p/SoapBoxDerby with all proceeds going to Rotary charities.