20 Jul Inside the new look Brentwood Centre as they launch new recovery programme
The Brentwood Centre is over the Rainbow! They have today announced they are reopening – with a new, safe and exciting Rainbow Recovery programme
With the recent announcement from the Government, the team at the Brentwood Centre are busy preparing to welcome our members back, on Saturday 25th July.
The new look Brentwood Centre will see the opening of the ‘Fitness Zone’ and the ‘Aqua Zone’ on Saturday 25th with the Community having the option of joining one of its brand new Rainbow Memberships for the first 3 months.
CEO of Brentwood Leisure Trust Roger Davinson said ‘Because of the strict guidelines set in place by the Government and industry leaders we have had to do things differently to ensure the safety of our staff and users. Introducing the Rainbow Membership, allows our users to make use of the Gym, Pool and Group Fitness Classes by booking in advance, and guaranteeing their space on what will be a restricted timetable.’
The UK leisure industry leaders have shared operating guidelines, which Brentwood Leisure Trust will be following to ensure the safety and comfort of all of our users and staff. This will include booking and payment in advance, hand sanitising stations throughout, increased cleaning regimes, a midday closure for an hour for deep cleaning, and equipment set up to allow social distancing.
Roger Davinson explained ‘The team made the decision early on in lockdown that the best way to ensure social distancing and maximum ventilation would be to move the gym cardiovascular equipment into the International Sport Hall. The layout is spacious and looks fantastic; we are really pleased and think our customers will feel comfortable with such a spacious training environment.’
The International Hall will also host Spinning Classes, Group Fitness Classes and Badminton Courts. All of which will need to be registered for to enable booking and payment in advance.
The Aqua Zone will see use of the Main Swimming Pool with extra wide lanes for swimming on offer. Booking in advance for swimming will be necessary with restricted numbers in the pool at any time to ensure guidelines set by Swim England are adhered to.
Roger Davinson said ‘The guidelines set in place will mean there are a lot of programme changes and numbers will be restricted, however, we are confident that we have utilised our facility to the best possible outcome and look forward to welcome our customers back. It is important that we generate that much needed income to ensure the Brentwood Centre makes a fast recovery. This pandemic has financially hit us hard, and as a charity we need the income to keep the business open.’
For more information on The Brentwood Centre’s opening plans, to pre buy Rainbow Memberships or to donate to the Charity please see the new website launched on Thursday 16th July. https://www.brentwood-centre.co.uk/
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