01 Jun Grange Farm and Dunmow Runners team get top four finish
By Simon Spurgeon
JAMES Bosher led home the Grange Farm and Dunmow Runners team with a top-four finish out of 186 competitors at the High Easter ten-kilometre road race.
The event was organised by Grange Farm member Alistair Brown to raise money towards the maintenance of High Easter village church, with Bosher finishing fourth in 36 minutes ten seconds.
Hayley Morley was the fastest Grange Farm woman in 51m 14s.
RESULTS: Dan Reynolds 39m 10s, Matt Webster 39m 11s, Paul McKenna 39m 16s, Ashwin Shah 40m 14s, Sean Henderson 42m 23s, Ian Lawson 43m 28s, Martin Jackson 45m 5s, Jason Bepey 45m 15s, David Kelsey 46m 34s, Colin Jackson 48m 11s, Debbie Stares 55m 56s, Henrietta Butcher 59m 53s, Brady Ramsay 61m 55s, Rosalind McKenna 61m 56s, Glenda Jackson 62m 6s.
Grange Farm will be holding a nine-mile trail race from the Black Lion, High Roding, on June 12 and a 10km road race at Felsted on July 10.