06 Jul Enforcement patrols stepped up in Basildon parks and open spaces
Ten tonnes of litter has been collected from borough parks in the last month prompting a reminder to park users to do the right thing and bin their waste.
Enforcement officers will be patrolling parks issuing Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) to anyone caught dropping litter.
There has been a noticeable increase in litter found at Woodlands open space in Basildon recently and in Gloucester Park and Lake Meadows.
Chairman of the Neighbourhoods and Public Spaces Committee Councillor David Harrison said: “We know that most people take pride in their area and treat our beautiful parks and open spaces with respect but there is no excuse for dropping litter. If you brought it with you, either use a bin or take it home with you.”
Deputy Leader of Basildon Council Councillor Kerry Smith added: “Littering in our parks and open spaces has to stop. There are a good many residents who are just as sick of it as we are. Enforcement patrols will be out there issuing fines so the smart move is to use the waste bins provided.”
Safer Basildon and the council’s Parks Team are also supporting our partners, Essex Police with Operation Oxygen.
Following reports from members of the public about antisocial behaviour in our parks and open spaces, Billericay and Wickford Community Policing Team Officers are taking part in Operation Oxygen. This includes targeted patrols to deter and disrupt behaviours such as the use of nitrous oxide canisters, possession and use of cannabis, drinking of alcohol by under 18s and the use of vehicles to causing harassment.
Those using the parks are reminded to use the bins provided. Although bins are emptied regularly, when bins are full please take waste home and dispose of it appropriately. Leaving waste next to a bin is littering and can result in a fixed penalty notice (FPN).