12 May Care England launches Independent Care Services manifesto
Care England has launched Meeting the Needs of a 21st Century Society, Care England’s Manifesto for the Independent Care Sector.
This in conjunction with Game Changers in 21st Century Social Care, a booklet of pithy quotes on the future of social care from prominent leaders in the sector, provide a basis for the next Government to deliver a sustainable care sector.
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England said:
“Expectations from citizens have risen. They experience social and health care as a continuum and the current financial challenges make the delivery of such expectations untenable. As the largest representative body for independent providers of adult social care, across older people, people with learning or physical disabilities and mental health, Care England believes that Government policy needs to shift in order to ensure that the post Brexit system is fit for purpose and provides what citizens really need and want”.
The key tenets of the Manifesto for the Independent Care Sector are:
ü The value of high quality independent care services needs to be understood by all politicians, not just service users and their families.
ü Care services need to be properly funded and state funding should be at a sustainable level that meets the real costs of providing high quality care.
ü Providers should be respected, treated fairly and have a voice in the strategic direction of social and health care services.
The ethos of Care England’s manifesto also highlight that citizens of the 21st century want to have good lives, and the services that support them should be flexible and almost invisible to the consumer. The health and care system needs to stop its obsession with structures and focus on outcomes.