19 Nov Basildon outpatients department raises £4,681 for The Poppy Appeal
The Poppy Appeal has become an outpatients department (OPD) tradition over the last five years and this year saw BTUH staff raise a fantastic £4,681.
Handmade poppies are made by OPD staff, families and friends throughout the year. A raffle is also carried out with prizes either made or donated by staff.
This year’s appeal saw hospital chaplain, David Bates, conduct a brief service of remembrance in the OPD waiting area for the benefit of patients visitors and staff.
Jackie Staines, senior sister, clinical support services, said: “The Poppy Appeal shows that BTUH recognises the value of the poppy appeal – we may not have an NHS without these past sacrifices! Every penny raised goes to The Royal British Legion to assist in their continuing work. I’d like to thank all the staff, patients and visitors who supported this year’s appeal.”
Since the Poppy Appeal started five years ago, almost £20,000 has been raised. The event will continue in 2019.