06 Sep Two nominations for Honorary Freeman Awards to go to Basildon Council
Full Council will be asked to grant Honorary Freeman of the Borough status to D-Day veteran Don Sheppard and St Luke’s Hospice co-founder, Trudy Westmore-Cox MBE.
At Basildon Council’s Policy and Resources Committee held on 5th September, it was agreed that the criteria had been met for each nomination and that a recommendation be made to Full Council to grant Honorary Freeman status.
Leader of Basildon Council and Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee Councillor Gavin Callaghan said: “Freedom of the Borough is a real honour and only awarded in exceptional circumstances to individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievements which have brought pride to the Borough.
“As Basildon New Town is celebrating its 70th year – it is even more important that the Council recognises on behalf of our community, the exceptional people we have in our borough. It really is an honour for us to be able to recognise Don Sheppard and Trudy Westmore-Cox in the highest award we can give as a Council.”
Following the Committee approval, a recommendation to resolve formally that Honorary Freedom Borough status be granted will go to a meeting of Full Council on 26thSeptember.