25 Jul Hearing tests: What you need to know
WITH one in five people in the UK being deaf or struggling with hearing loss, Specsavers has issued a comprehensive guide to help you discover whether you’d benefit from a hearing test.
Should I have a hearing test?
It’s worth having your hearing checked if you notice any change in your hearing, regardless of your age – most of the time hearing loss happens gradually, making it harder to notice if you’re not hearing as well as you used to.
However, there are a few signs that might indicate you need a hearing test.
Signs you might need a hearing check:
• You find it difficult to listen to conversations or the TV when there’s background noise
• Speaking and hearing people on the phone is difficult, even in a quiet room
• You have to ask others to repeat themselves often, or it sounds like they’re mumbling
• You might find it hard to keep up with conversation when in group situations
• You might feel stressed or tired from having to concentrate while listening
• Family members will mention that the TV is too loud, or that you’re shouting
• Loved ones might hint that you’re finding it difficult to hear too
What happens during a hearing test?
After asking a few questions about your history and current symptoms, the audiologist will use a small camera to examine the health of your ear canals and ear drums.
The audiologist will then test your ears by playing sounds at different pitches through a pair of headphones, asking you to press a button every time you hear a sound.
They will then ask you to wear a special headband to test how well you hear sounds through vibrations. During both tests they will be measuring the quietest sounds you can hear.
They will then discuss the results of the test with you, and explain any next steps based on their findings.
What if I need hearing aids?
If your test results indicate you’d benefit from a hearing aid, the audiologist will talk you through the wide range of options available to you.
They may also take a mould of your ear canal so that your new aid fits properly. This can take up to five minutes and is completely painless.
In some cases, your hearing aids can be fitted on the same day as your test and you’ll be shown how to use them before you leave the store.
You’ll be asked in for a follow-up appointment after four weeks for a check-in.
Specsavers’ chief audiologist, Gordon Harrison, said: ‘Our hearing changes over time and for different reasons, which is why people experience different types of loss at different stages in life.
If you notice a sudden or gradual change in your hearing, it’s crucial you get your hearing checked as soon as possible, no matter what your age.
If you believe you are having any difficulties, hearing tests at Specsavers are free of charge.’
You can also try Specsavers’ free online hearing test to get a better idea of whether you might need to have an in-store test.
To find out more, visit: https://www.specsavers.co.uk/hearing