08 Jan Cheshunt Rugby Club invites women to grab a friend and take on a new challenge, playing rugby
Rather than making a new year’s resolution that you break by the end of January, ensure 2019 a year of positive change by taking on new challenges and trying something new. Like playing rugby.
Don’t let your preconceptions put you off, you can do this. Cheshunt Rugby Club are offering women a less daunting way of broadening their horizons as they encourage women to step out of their comfort zone with a fun introduction to rugby. During the Warrior Camps, women are encouraged to unleash their inner strength and determination as they embrace the challenge of trying a new sport.
DATE/TIME:Tuesday 15 January 2019 @ 18:30 – 20:00
LOCATION:Andrew’s Ln, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross EN7 6TB
AVAILABLE FOR INTERVIEW:RFU coaches & participants
Rugby attracts a wide variety of people from all walks of life. The wide range of different playing positions each require a different set of skills and attributes, and as such rugby is an incredibly inclusive sport which has contributed to it being one of the fastest growing female team sports in England.