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26 Dec Brentwood electrical wholesaler answers some of 2023’s frequently searched home improvement questions from residents across the region

As 2023 draws to a close, Grant & Stone Electrical Wholesalers is revealing some of the most searched for home improvement questions over the last 12 months and outlines important considerations when taking on renovation work. Tyrone Gannon, branch manager of Grant & Stone Electrical Wholesalers...

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21 Oct The Director of the Centre for Evidence-based Medicine has reacted to the backlash he received at the Government’s lockdown Covid inquiry last week.

The Director of the Centre for Evidence-based Medicine has reacted to the backlash he received at the Government's lockdown Covid inquiry last week. Carl Heneghan claimed the criticism was “almost an attempt to dismiss me and undermine his credibility”. Appearing on GB News, Hegehan told...

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