06 Feb RSPCA appeal: Injured cat found by the side of the road
The RSPCA is appealing to find the owner of a cat found by the side of the road in Dagenham on Saturday.
The black and white neutered male cat was found on Gale Street amongst some long grass and was wearing a blue collar.
Sadly the cat has a serious injury to his back left leg and is likely to need surgery.
RSPCA inspector Jack Taylor collected the cat at 1.30pm on Saturday and took him to a local vets to be assessed.
Jack said: “This poor cat has a severe injury, possibly from a road accident, so we’d like to get in touch with his owner as soon as possible.
“This really goes to show how vitally important it is for pets to be microchipped so in the event they are lost or injured we can contact an owner quickly.”