22 Oct UK Housing Review Autumn Briefing Paper warns of concerns for first time buyers being left out in the cold
Stamp duty concessions are making it extremely difficult for first time buyers to get on the property ladder, the UK Housing Review’s Autumn Briefing Paper has revealed.
The briefing paper argues that stamp duty concessions were not required to stimulate the housing market and extending its duration by three months in England and Northern Ireland was unwise.
James Prestwich, director of policy and external affairs for CIH said, “These measures have boosted prices, which has benefitted existing home owners and penalised first-time buyers.
The increased activity we have seen in the housing market, during the pandemic has exacerbated existing systemic problems with the dysfunctional housing market resulting in First Time Buyers finding it more difficult than ever to get on the property ladder.”
The Briefing Paper, along with the main Review, is a compendium of resources for the whole of the UK.
This year’s Autumn Briefing Paper covers a wide range of topics of real relevance to UK housing professionals. Including homelessness trends and policy developments; fire safety four years after Grenfell, the climate emergency; what ‘levelling up’ means for housing; and the continuing planning reform controversies – to name just a few!