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The Really Big South Essex Sleep Out Is Back

07 Oct The Really Big South Essex Sleep Out Is Back

HARP, Southend’s homeless charity, has invited the local community to participate in The Really Big South Essex Sleep Out. The charity is once again encouraging its supporters to Sleep Out so that others don’t have to.

The annual fundraising event from HARP encourages local families and community groups to sign up and host their own Sleep Out on or around World Homeless Day – Sunday 10th October.

For one night, supporters are encouraged to Sleep Out in unison, to display solidarity and support for local people experiencing homelessness.

To participate in this year’s Sleep Out, supporters can choose to give up their bed for the night and sleep on the floor, build a den in their lounge or bedroom, or brave the elements in the back garden with just a sleeping bag. Whole families could even get involved by pitching a tent and camping out together?

Homelessness is estimated to affect one in every 200 people, and the number of people facing homelessness is rising each year. Each year HARP helps on average around 1,000 people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. HARP provide several services including breakfasts for rough sleepers, supported accommodation for over 220 people, and bespoke advice and support on individual housing situations.

Dina Jobson, Head of Fundraising at HARP, said: “Everyone deserves to have a roof over their head and by taking part in The Really Big South Essex Sleep Out you can help to make this happen. This a great way to engage children with local issues and teach them not just about compassion for others, but also about the challenges that local homeless people face and how communities can work together to help those most in need.

This is a fundraising challenge and is just for one night, but the money you raise will help local homeless people rebuild their lives and have a brighter future.

If you would like to Sleep Out for one night so others don’t have to and raise money for local people experiencing homelessness, visit >>>