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The Haslers Foundation donates thousands to local causes

09 Mar The Haslers Foundation donates thousands to local causes

The Haslers Foundation has recently donated nearly £3,000 to four fantastic causes.

Strongbones, Freedom2, the Police Community Clubs of Great Britain and CHESS Homeless have recently received money from the Haslers Foundation.

More than 20 children with serious bone conditions will benefit from a day trip to the Science Museum, following a £700 donation to Strongbones.

This charity helps families and children with scoliosis, spina bifida, brittle bone disease and other serious conditions of the bone, by providing support and fun days out.

A donation of £1,000 by the Foundation will also help FREEDOM 2 to fund one of their art programmes, FREEDOM 2 Create. This will be run with six girls and will also help to fund an art exhibition to showcase their work.

FREEDOM 2’s vision is that all girls will be free from exploitation, that they will have a voice, know their worth and significance, that they will reach their potential and go on to empower others.

Meanwhile, the Police Community Clubs of Great Britain hope to use a £700 donation to fund their Barney & Echo anti-bullying workshop at a local school near Loughton.

The workshops do many things, all of which are aimed at providing a safer, more educated life for the most disadvantaged children and young people.

Haslers Foundation’s final donation of £562 to CHESS Homeless, will buy two new beds and mattresses for their housing refurbishment project in Essex.

Jon O’Shea, Chairman of Haslers Chartered Accountants and the Foundation, said: “We are delighted to have supported so many wonderful causes in the last few months.

“Each of these charities does amazing, essential work within local communities and I hope the money we have donated will go some way to helping them reach more people.”

As well as its recent donations, the firm and its charity have set up a monthly direct debit, which will be used to sponsor a puppy at the Woodford Guide Dogs for the Blind unit.

All of the money donated by the Haslers Foundation has been raised by the firm and its team through events and sponsorship.

To find out more about the work of the Haslers Foundation, please visit