11 Feb The Best Treasure Hunts in Essex
Treasure hunts were once viewed as a bit old hat and something that, apart from taking place at the odd birthday party or as part of an Easter egg hunt, were not really that in vogue.
However, all that has changed in recent times, with some famous modern day treasure hunts sparking people’s imaginations both in Essex and around the world.
In this article we look at what started this new trend as well as pointing readers in the direction of the best treasure hunts that intrepid explorers can undertake in Essex.
More people than ever before are following treasure maps in search of hidden goodies
Treasure Hunts That Went Viral and Spawned a Craze
Before we launch into revealing which are the best local treasure hunts to set your sights on, we thought we would give some context as to where the whole treasure hunt craze started.
The hunt that really got the ball rolling was one devised by a man named Forrest Fenn, who as well as being a former fighter pilot, also turned his hand to art dealing and penning books.
It was one of these books, entitled The Thrill of the Chase: A Memoir, which started what would become one of the most hotly contested and talked about treasure hunts in history. Millions of people all over the planet wondered if anyone would ever find the $1 million treasure that Fenn had squirreled away in the heart of the Rocky Mountains. Very recently, the next chapter of the Forrest Fenn story unfolded in dramatic fashion as, just after Fenn passed away, a man known only as The Finder claimed to have unearthed the rich prize.
After initial scepticism, it was confirmed that Jack Stuef, a 32-year-old medical student from Michigan, had dug up the coveted loot. His success and the story as a whole have now spawned a host of copycat treasure hunts in the US and beyond, including right here in Essex.
Will you be able to unlock the mysteries posed by some of these exciting local treasure hunts?
Tiptree to Tollesbury Murder Mystery
While most treasure hunts, by virtue of their name, are based around trying to find concealed prizes, there are others that blend features of other similar pursuits.
That is the case with the Murder Mystery trail organised by TreasureTrails.co.uk, which sends people out into the wilds of Tiptree and Tollesbury, on the hunt for a fictional murderer rather than a treasure chest.
In no way does that detract from the fun, though, with detectives being treated to beautiful countryside as well as a murder case to crack wide open.
Chelmsford Treasure Hunt
If you want to do a treasure hunt but prefer not to have to get your shoes dirty on muddy country trails, then this treasure hunt in the midst of Chelmsford should be right up your street.
Things kick off at the city’s central library. The hunt adds an extra edge to the typical day of sightseeing that visitors might be accustomed to.
There are also different versions of the hunt available, depending on who you plan to do your hunting with. Hen parties, corporate groups, and overseas students are all catered for.
Essex University Treasure Hunt
There is also a treasure hunt out there for the more academically inclined, which is run by the good people at Essex University.
With a touch of international flair – and designed to help international students bed into their new surrounds – this treasure hunt starts off at the student union, before branching out into the wider community.
Harness Your Competitive Side
Last but not least there are the competitive team treasure hunts organised by ggtreasurehunts.com, where hunters not only get to sniff out hidden treasure, but also receive great discounts at local establishments dotted along their route.
Reach the treasure first and a group’s winnings significantly increase!
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