29 Dec Local health and care services under significant pressure
Health and care services across north east Essex are currently experiencing significant pressure, with unprecedented levels of demand for Accident and Emergency (A&E) and GP services.
Clinicians at Colchester Hospital say they’re seeing many more patients than they have space for.
They are reminding local people with minor illnesses or non-life threatening conditions to seek alternative treatment or to visit their local pharmacist for advice and support if they need it.
A spokesman for the North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said: “Our local system is under serious pressure at the moment. The priority is being given to those patients with urgent life threatening injuries and illnesses. If you attend A&E with a minor illness, you are likely to face an extremely long wait as the department’s main focus will be given to those people with a serious life threatening injury or illness. Please consider the alternative options before attending A&E.”
Pharmacists are medicines experts who can advise on the treatment of a range of minor ailments and many are open at late and at weekends.