28 Mar Inside Harlow’s historic 70th birthday festivities
Harlow new town was officially 70 years old on Saturday 25 March 2017. It was on this date in 1947 that Harlow was officially designated a new town and the town’s story began.
It was in true fashion that the 70th birthday festivities and events brought life to the town across the weekend as more events are set to come as part of a year of celebrations.
The celebrations launched on Friday with a schools’ steel pan concert held at the Latton Bush Centre attended by over 300 people. Before the concert the Chair of the Council, Councillor Edna Stevens, and the Vice-Chair of the Council, Councillor Sue Livings, cut the official Harlow birthday cake.
On Saturday birthday parties were held at Great Parndon Community Association and at Herts & Essex Community Farm in Foldcroft.
Also on Saturday the place where people can discover more about Harlow’s history, Harlow Museum, held a birthday talk and opened a new exhibition called Gibberd’s Gift.
Councillor Edna Stevens, Chair of Harlow Council, said: “It has been a great start to Harlow’s 70 birthday celebrations but it doesn’t stop there. More events led by the community are planned across the year with ideas from community groups coming in every day. Harlow is a town of opportunity with a wonderful community spirit and these are the things we want to capture as part of the celebrations.
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