22 Oct Essex team has the power to help residents
A team of power workers raised hundreds of pounds to buy a special gazebo for a Hadleigh sheltered housing scheme in Suffolk that means a lot to one of their colleagues.
The UK Power Networks Asset Registration department, based in Colchester, held a tuck shop and a raffle to raise £700 so that they could purchase the solid roofed gazebo complete with curtains that will protect the residents at Sydney Brown Court from the sun and wind.
There was a special reason for helping the Extra Care Scheme sheltered housing as staff member Julie Elliston’s father, David Ralph, lives there and she knew it would make a difference to him and the residents.
The new gazebo replaced an old one that was half the size. Once installed by the group the ten colleagues also carried out grass cutting, weeding and pruning back trees and bushes.
They were able to volunteer a day away from work as part of the company’s Donate A Day scheme that enables employees to spend two days a year volunteering in the community.
Richard Cross, who organised the volunteer day with Julie, said: ‘It was great to be out and about helping the community again and more so to be giving our time to a place that means a lot to a member of our team – we all hope the patio area can be used much more for visits, even with the colder weather coming in.”
Lauren Seager, team leader at Sydney Brown Court said: “We would like to thank UK Power Networks for the wonderful new gazebo they sourced for us. We are very much looking forward to enjoying warmer days outside, however, even in the inclement weather the tenants are still able to enjoy the garden.”