25 May Colchester initiative which aims to address community issues returns
Colchester’s Community Safety Partnership have taken to the streets once again to speak with residents in the lead up to Street Weeks; a local initiative which aims to address community issues.
Led by a team of Colchester PCSOs, the Street Weeks campaign is about speaking to the community, listening to their needs and taking action to resolve any issues, whether this is disrupting criminal activity, dealing with anti-social behaviour, managing inconsiderate parking or addressing complaints around littering.
Colchester’s third Street Weeks campaign will kick-off on Monday, June 4 and run for a week. It will see colleagues from North Essex Parking Partnership, the Neighbourhood and Dog Watch team, Community 360, Guinness Housing Association, Colchester Borough Homes, Essex Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Services, the DVLA, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service, Crimestoppers and One Support, getting involved alongside our Active Citizens, Licensing Team, Special Officers and Roads Policing Unit.
This week saw our officers work alongside colleagues from the Community Safety Partnership and head to the Highwoods area of the town ahead of next month’s week of action. We spoke with residents to get a better understanding about the things they felt were a problem within the community.
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