The Bishops’ Primary School in Springfield, Chelmsford, is going to epic lengths to raise funds for a new school hall building project. Later this month, the local school’s Chair of Governors, Head Master and Year 5 Teacher are racing against the clock from Springfield-based St Augustine’s Church to Canterbury Cathedral (established by another St Augustine) approximately 62 miles away!
To make things even more interesting, the Chair of Governors Mrs Uzzell will be walking the impressive distance, while Year 5 teacher Mr Evans will be running and Head Master Mr Waters will be cycling it.
The challenging race, which starts on Thursday 17th October with Mrs Uzzell and will continue with Mr Evans and Mr Waters on Friday 18th October, is the brainchild of Year 5 teacher, Mr Evans.
He explains:
“This new community hall will provide both the Bishops’ school pupils and the local community with improved sporting facilities, among other things. So, it made sense to me to organise a fundraising event that reflected the greater sporting opportunities this building project will bring. I took Google’s suggested timings for walking, running and cycling the distance between the two St Augustine-linked churches and then roped in our Head Master and Chair of Governors to take up the challenge. The starting times reflect the time Google says it should take for each method of travel but we are all particularly competitive and will genuinely be racing to win!”
Head of the Bishops’ Primary School, Mr Waters adds:
“This sponsored event is designed to be a bit of fun but also to help meet a very serious need for the Bishop’s Primary School. Our current school hall can only accommodate a fraction of our pupils and, as a school that actively encourages sport and music alongside academic endeavour, we want to be able to offer even more extra-curricular opportunities to our students. What’s more, we are intentionally naming the building ‘The Bishops’ Community Hall’ as our plans are to open these facilities to the local community so that they too can benefit from more sporting, musical, social and other activities. We can’t achieve any of this without some considerable funding support so we hope people will give generously for our efforts.”