23 Aug 19 new Council homes set to be built in Harlow
The green light has been given to build 19 new Council homes for local people on the Harlow Housing Needs Register
Last night (22 August 2018) the Council’s Development Management Committee gave planning permission to two Council-led developments in Bushey Croft and The Readings.
Now planning permission has been agreed the Council will work to develop the project plans and financing required to ensure that the 19 Council homes can be built as quickly as possible.
The first development approved was for 16 homes on land south of 43-56 Bushey Croft. The development will include 6 two-bedroom houses and 10 three-bedroom houses. Thirty-two car parking spaces will be allocated to the properties with forty-one unallocated car parking spaces being provided in a similar position to the existing parking area. Any mature existing trees will be retained in the development area and some additional trees will be planted along with new landscaping.
The second development approved last night was for three new homes on a former garage block site in The Readings. The development will provide two semi-detached wheelchair accessible bungalows and one new terraced house. Five standard car park spaces and two disabled car parking spaces will be provided. The development will include new landscaping in the area.
The three homes in the Readings are part of the Council’s planned housebuilding programme for 2018/19.
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