12 Jan Wickford Main Car Park gets access improvements
Works are currently taking place within Wickford Main Car Park to improve accessibility for car park users.
The works being completed include the installation of drop kerbs, as well as improved wheelchair access points between the high street and the car park.
The improvements were agreed by the Council’s Neighbourhoods and Public Spaces Committee in November, where it was decided that funds from the South Essex Parking Partnership would be allocated to this project.
Chairman of the Neighbourhoods and Public Spaces Committee, Councillor David Harrison, said: “These necessary improvements are happening for the benefit of wheelchair users, so that they feel more confident when visiting Wickford Main Car Park.
“It’s important that our high streets are as inclusive and accessible as possible, and this is one thing we could do to improve that in Wickford.”
The total cost of the project will amount to £3,500 and the works started on Friday 8 January. The works are scheduled to last a week in total.