31 Jan What stops you from taking part in sport in Harlow?
Residents and local sports clubs are being invited to give their views on sport and physical activity in the town to help improve participation levels.
Two surveys have been launched to gather views as part of the review of sport being carried out by Harlow Council’s Scrutiny Committee.
Recent findings show that Harlow has lower than average levels of physical activity and not enough people participate regularly in sport and physical activity.
This exercise will help the Council to gather data on what stops people taking part in sport which will inform the work of the Harlow Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board and its subgroups along with Active Harlow who are the Community Sport and Physical Activity Network. This will help towards addressing health and wellbeing inequalities and increase the number of residents who participate in sport or physical activity.
Both surveys can be completed anonymously and at the end of both there is the opportunity for you or your organisation to be entered into a prize draw to win Decathlon gift cards. There are 1 x £50 and 2 x £25 gift cards per survey courtesy of Decathlon and Harlow Council.
The surveys can be completed at:
Residents: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/GLLXFHW
Organisations: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/GDPK9SS
The deadline to complete surveys 19 February 2018. Winners of the gift cards will be notified before 30 March 2018.