02 Aug Two playgrounds in Stanway upgraded in £110,000 refurbishment project
Children in the village of Stanway near Colchester are celebrating following the completion of two projects to refurbish the playgrounds at Silver Witch Green and Lucy Lane South.
The existing play areas, installed by Colchester Borough Council, were very old and in urgent need of an upgrade to provide a fun, stimulating and safe environment for children to play. As a result, Stanway Parish Council commenced a refurbishment project for both playgrounds, providing a range of colourful new play equipment at each site.
At Silver Witch Green, a zip wire and spider net climber have been installed to interest older children, as well as a ‘Me and You’ swing for toddlers and a multi-accessible nest swing, providing children of all ages and abilities with the opportunity to enjoy the same play experience.
Meanwhile, the playground at Lucy Lane South has been designed with pre-school children in mind and has a new multi-play unit, swings, a sea saw, balance beams and a colourful shark design springer. Both parks have been upgraded with new rubber safety surfaces and disabled access has also been improved.
The projects were made possible thanks to two grants totalling more than £82,000 from Enovert Community Trust, which provides funding to community projects through the Landfill Communities Fund.
Cllr Debby Bloomfield, Chair of Stanway Parish Council, said: “The Parish Council is very grateful to Enovert Community Trust for its generous support. The new playgrounds are a fantastic resource which will benefit the area and local community by providing safe outdoor play for children, encouraging exercise, and promoting good health, social interaction, and awareness of others, not to mention plenty of fun and adventure!
“Various new developments in Stanway have changed the demography of the village, with the arrival of many more young families. Evidence suggests that children are spending less time enjoying outdoor play and this project has provided much-needed upgrades to our existing playgrounds. We hope these playgrounds can provide a focal point for the community, bringing children, their carers and families together to enjoy the outdoors.”
Angela Haymonds, Trust Manager of Enovert Community Trust, said: “The Trustees are delighted to have supported these important community projects. The upgraded playgrounds will provide social and health benefits for the many families in the community that will use them for years to come.”
Enovert Community Trust funding is available for a wide range of projects that bring benefit to local communities. This may include refurbishment of churches or buildings of architectural or historical significance, or general amenity projects, such as improving disabled access or improvements to parks and nature reserves.