04 Mar Two Basildon residents convicted for flytipping
Two Basildon residents have been found guilty of flytipping – dumping rubbish and household items in Basildon and Laindon.
Both defendants were originally issued with a fixed penalty notice for the offences which neither paid, resulting in their prosecutions.
Zoe Masser, 37, of Helmores, Laindon, went before the magistrates’ court on 19 February 2020 for dumping a large amount of waste. It included part of a leather sofa, a bed base, three mattresses, wood, a television, a clothes dryer, a strimmer, eight pink sacks and ten black sacks.
Ms Masser pleaded guilty and was fined £200, with a £32 victim surcharge and ordered to pay costs of £250.
Karen Lee, 21, of South Crockerford, Basildon, appeared at Basildon magistrates’ court on 19 February 2020 after being summoned for failure to pay her fixed penalty notice.
The notice was in relation to flytipping three black sacks, one heavily contaminated pink sack, a large cardboard box full of general waste, toys and clothing, and a pile of glass bottles in June 2019.
Ms Lee pleaded guilty to the offence and the bench acknowledged the guilty plea.
As a result, Ms Lee was given a 12 month conditional discharge, and ordered to pay costs of £250 and a £20 victim surcharge.
Chairman of Basildon Council’s Neighbourhoods and Public Spaces Committee Councillor David Harrison said: “We will not tolerate the dumping of rubbish. We are winning the battle to clean up the borough.
“The majority of residents do the right thing with their waste, they acknowledge the impact of their actions on others and care about our public spaces.
“A small minority of residents cause major headaches in our borough and we will take steps to hold those residents to account.”