13 Nov TIRED people in Essex say they are medicating themselves to sleep
TIRED people in the east of England say they are medicating themselves to sleep – and over a quarter say they have had to see their doctor about the problem.
Two-fifths (41%) of people in the region say they have used medication or alcohol to get to sleep.
Eleven per cent of those surveyed said they had taken antidepressants and eight per cent said they had taken anxiety medication just to get to sleep, according to a survey for Gravity Blankets by Atomik Research.
A further six per cent say they have taken narcotics such as codeine, morphine or other opiate painkillers to get to sleep while nearly one in five (17%) have taken sleeping tablets.
Seventy per cent of all adults in the east of England say their worries keep them up at night, tossing and turning over their health, family and money.
Over a quarter (29%) of those surveyed said they had been to the doctor about their sleep problems
The research showed that anxiety and depression play a major part in people’s inability to get some shut-eye. Many people wonder whether cannabis is something to consider for their sleep problems. The cannabis plant has been used for centuries as a sleep aid. It has relaxing and sedative effects. A recent study found that cannabis shortens the time it takes to fall asleep, both for people with sleep problems and people who fall asleep without trouble. You too can take advantage of it and join other people in cultivating your own cannabis seeds at home to create this remedy.