14 Dec Three commitments made in housing strategy for the Braintree district
Three priority commitments have been proposed by Braintree District Council as part of a new healthy housing strategy for the Braintree district.
Braintree District Council is developing its new strategy to guide its approach to housing need and demand up to 2028, which is now out for public consultation for nine weeks.
The three main commitments from the Council in the draft strategy are:
Facilitating a consistent programme of high quality, affordable homes which best meet the needs of the current and future residents
Supporting communities and enabling housing across the district to meet the needs of all our residents, especially those who are vulnerable
Improving access to and the quality of the Private Rented Sector and make best use of assets and existing properties
The draft strategy also sets out how the council will work with both the public and private sector to deliver new and existing housing improvements across all types and tenures, with a strengthened emphasis on affordable and energy efficient housing.
Key stakeholders, housing applicants and residents are being asked for their views and their feedback will be considered before the strategy is finalised in March 2023.
Councillor Kevin Bowers, Cabinet Member for Housing, Assets & Skills at Braintree District Council, said: “Enabling more genuinely affordable, safe, secure and comfortable housing that meets the needs of people in the Braintree district is one of our main priorities together with tackling the climate emergency.
“It’s not just about building new houses and making sure people have a home – having a safe and stable home impacts education, health, employment and life chances and this strategy will guide our future partnership working to strengthen their links and opportunities for our residents.
“We want to hear from as many people and organisations as possible with an interest in housing issues to help us understand their needs, challenges and opportunities so we develop a strategy that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of our residents. Please do look at our proposed strategy and take part in the consultation to have your say.”
The consultation is open until 5pm on Tuesday 7 February 2023. Residents can read and comment on the document on the council’s website at www.braintree.gov.uk/housingstrategy.
Comments can also be emailed to [email protected]. For those without access to the internet, they can also send comments by post or drop them in by hand to:
Housing Team
Causeway House, Bocking End
Paper copies are being made available for viewing at the reception desk at Causeway House in Braintree.