15 Jul Taekwon-Do training lands in Brentwood
by Dan Bryans
Spartan School of Taekwon-Do held its second coloured belt grading of 2017 at its Do-jang at the Brentwood International Leisure Centre on Sunday, 25 June.
Spartan hosted this grading with Olympus School of Taekwon-Do from Halstead and Braintree, under the banner of A.C.E, Essex.
Spartan Taekwon-Do trains at the Brentwood Centre MMA room on Tuesdays and Thursdays and they are inviting locals to come and get involved.
The grading examiner was no less than Grand Master Raymond O’Neill of Stonehenge Taekwon-Do, Wiltshire. Grand Master O’Neill is a ninth Dan, the highest grade in Taekwon-Do and he is only the second student of First Grand Master Rhee Ki Ha (FGMR) to have been made a Grand Master.
This is the latest exciting sport to head to Brentwood Centre as they recently announced that they are bringing Fit & Fed to Brentwood for 6 weeks and it is COMPLETELY FREE!
The event will include action packed activities and a FREE nutritious meal each day, you can make the most of this summer!
Find out more at http://www.brentwood-centre.co.uk/faf
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