12 May Stop The Hate campaign lands in Epping
- Essex Police officers have this afternoon braved the rain to promote the Stop The Hate campaign which aims to raise awareness about hate crime and stop it.
PC Rawlins and PC Paget where on hand to raise awareness to locals as they go on a mission to train Hate Crime Ambassadors and set up Hate Incident Reporting Centres in Epping and Loughton after an initial pilot in Harlow proved fruitful.
Hate crime which is mostly an action of hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race, religion or sexual orientation to name but a few can also result in assault, intimating behaviour and verbal abuse.
The message Essex Police have is that they will use positive actions to tackle hate crime and are encouraging local incidents to be reported.
Emma Tierney of Victim Support Services said “The effects of hate crime can last for a long time, especially if you have suffered repeatedly. Many people find it helps to talk to someone who understands.”