14 Apr Stephen Metcalfe MP welcomes Free STEM education resources for children
Stephen Metcalfe MP, HM Government Envoy for Engineering, has welcomed that STEM education resources from the Institution of Engineering and Technology has been made freely available to assist with home schooling during the coronavirus pandemic.
In order to assist home educators, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has made its extensive range of exciting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) activities and resources freely available to all children and parents.
IET has provided home-learning teaching resources and activities for primary and secondary school children including lesson plans, handouts and videos. They aim to ensure children can continue to be engaged and kept busy learning while their school is closed.
The education materials can be accessed at:
- Primary: https://education.theiet.org/home-learning-resources-key-stage-1-and-2/
- Secondary: https://education.theiet.org/home-learning-resources-key-stage-3-and-4/
Stephen Metcalfe said: “The extraordinary situation we currently find ourselves in has affected all our lives, particularly young people, the vast majority of whom now find themselves being home schooled.
I am delighted that the Institution of Engineering and Technology has made their extensive engaging resources freely available to all primary and secondary children and their parents.
Along with our collective efforts to stay at home, protect the NHS and saves lives, the UK will engineer its way out of this health crisis. I thank IET for their generosity so our children can continue to be engaged and inspired by engineering while schools remain closed”.