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Stephen Metcalfe MP celebrates the opening of Lee Chapel School’s new theatre

30 Nov Stephen Metcalfe MP celebrates the opening of Lee Chapel School’s new theatre

Stephen Metcalfe, MP for South Basildon & East Thurrock, recently celebrated the opening of Lee Chapel Theatre. On Friday 25 November, Stephen cut the ribbon and watched a number of theatrical presentations including an excellent performance by the Combined Lee Chapel Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) Choir.

Lee Chapel Theatre opened its doors back in July with a wonderful performance of ‘Macbeth’ by Year 5 and 6 pupils in drama club. However, on 25 November, Lee Chapel Theatre opened its doors again for an official opening. Stephen was honoured to take part and cut the ribbon. The Combined MAT Choir then gave a stunning rendition of some modern classics such as ‘A Million Dreams’ from The Greatest Showman. It was a moving performance and highlighted the many opportunities that pupils have at Lee Chapel MAT to pursue their dreams.

The construction of Lee Chapel Theatre was secured by Lee Chapel Headteacher and MAT CEO, Sue Jackson. It is an awesome addition to Lee Chapel Primary School which is already equipped with a 25m swimming pool, sports field, and dance studio which pupils across the MAT can enjoy.

The new theatre has a wide stage area, coloured stage lighting, and great audience capacity – a space for pupils to improve their speaking, singing, performing, and listening skills. The new theatre’s reception area, which is wrapped in wall-art inspired by the West End, is impactful and creates a truly engaging learning environment for pupils and an impressive welcome to visitors.

Stephen Metcalfe said: “I am absolutely delighted to have been invited to cut the ribbon to Lee Chapel’s new theatre. It is a fantastic modern facility that will really engage pupils in drama and bring immense value to the community in the years to come.

I would like to thank the Headteacher, Mrs Jackson, who has been a stellar advocate of Lee Chapel and instrumental in securing the construction of the theatre.”