22 Aug Staple Tye splash park opens and joins the Town Park paddling pool to benefit from an extended summer opening
Staple Tye splash park opens and joins the Town Park paddling pool to benefit from an extended summer opening
Harlow Council has announced today (Monday 22 August) that the new splash park at Staple Tye is open and will stay open for an extra week after the summer holidays end. Theft and vandalism from the site meant that the official opening was delayed, but the council is delighted that the splash park is now able to be used by local families.
The splash park will close on Saturday 10 September. Following delays at the start of the summer season, the council has also announced that the Town Park paddling pool will stay open until the same date too. The Town Park paddling pool opened a few days later than planned in July because the heatwave impacted the water pressure at the facility and a pump servicing it needed to be fixed.
Work to transform the Staple Tye site into a mix of pool and splash park has been a council priority because enhancing outdoor facilities for families to enjoy is a great way to bring the community together. The facility was ready to open from 10am today and is already being enjoyed by local families. It is a free-to-use community facility and will be in operation from 10am to 6pm seven days a week.
The splash park was handed over to the council on Friday last week and final preparations, including staff training, have taken place ready for it to open.
Councillor Joel Charles, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Business and Community Resilience, said:
“Extending the summer opening of the Town Park paddling pool, alongside keeping the new splash park at Staple Tye open another week, means that there is still an opportunity to enjoy these great outdoor community facilities before the summer comes to an end.
“I share residents’ frustration about the delay to the opening of the Staple Tye splash park. Sadly, the theft and vandalism that took place on site impacted the timescales leading up to the official opening this year. The council is sorry for the delay.
“It is hoped that the decision to extend the opening of both community facilities will be an opportunity for residents and their families to have a few more hours of fun outdoors this summer.”
The paddling pools at Bush Fair, Norman Booth (Old Harlow) and Sumners, including the splash park at Potter Street, will close on Saturday 3 September 2022.
Residents can find out the latest information about the town’s paddling pools and splash parks at www.harlow.gov.uk/paddling-pools