16 Oct Spider-Man swings into action at Southend Hospital
Spider-Man, Black Widow, Batman and a host of supporting characters and activities are helping brighten children’s stays at Southend University Hospital as part of National Play in Hospital Week 2018, which runs from 8-12 October.
The Play Team at the hospital arranged the amazing special guests, displays, videos and activities during the week to celebrate and promote the importance of play within the hospital for paediatric patients on Neptune Ward and in paediatric outpatients.
Clair Gentry, a Play Assistant at the Trust said, “We love to play and it is really important for all children and young people as it enhances their development and well-being. Play is especially important for young patients in hospital as it can help make sense of what is happening. They are able to express their thoughts and feelings through their play, reducing stress and anxieties. Play is a vital part of the care we offer to young patients at Southend Hospital.”
The week is organised by the National Association of Health Play Specialists (NAHPS) and is supported by Starlight Children’s Foundation, a national charity which provides entertainment in hospitals and hospices across the UK and grants wishes for seriously and terminally ill children.