04 Nov Southend shopping centre set to unveil a poignant tribute ahead of Armistice Day
To mark the centenary of the guns falling silent at the end of World War One, the Royals Shopping Centre in Southend-on-Sea is set to unveil a poignant tribute to the service men and women who served and gave their lives for their country in the 1914-18 conflict.
1200, hand-crocheted poppies have been sent from across Essex and will form an impressive 9 x 6 foot ‘wave’ of poppies cascading down the main atrium, at the heart of The Royals. The silhouettes of two Great War Tommies will ‘guard’ the display.
The poppies were made by local knitting circles and crochet clubs, in response to requests on Facebook by the display’s organiser, Vanda Roberts.
The poppy display will be in place at the Royals Shopping Centre from 3rd to 10th November before being transferred to The Cliffs Pavilion, in time for a special Armistice Day concert.