29 May Series of community clean-up roadshows planned in Basildon
A series of community clean-up roadshows have been planned to help residents boost recycling and find out more about how to report fly-tipping in their areas.
The six roadshows will be held in wards of the borough where lower recycling rates and higher levels of flytipping.
The first of these will be held in Lee Chapel North on Wednesday 6 June at the shops in Ballards Walk.
Officers from the council’s Community Involvement Team will also be on hand signposting residents to local services, community groups and projects.
The roadshows will focus on one ward per month with an event planned for Nethermayne in July followed by Pitsea North West, Pitsea South East, St Martin’s and Vange from August to November.
Enforcement officers will also be monitoring each ward inspecting any early or late sacks, looking out for flytipping and taking enforcement action where necessary.
Pride Teams will also be working in each of the wards continuing their good work in the borough. Any requests made by residents during the roadshows will be actioned. Weed spraying has already started in some of the wards.
Last year, Basildon Council received 9,914 reports of flytipping. Eighty five per cent of flytipping reports are for household waste for items such as mattresses, sofas, cabinets, chairs and white goods.
The collection of flytipping costs Basildon tax payers around £70,000 a year.
Fixed penalty notices (FPNs) are issued to those caught flytipping.
To dispose of your waste correctly, book a special collection online at www.basildon.gov.uk/specialcollections or call 01268 533333. It costs £10 for up to five items.
A free mobile waste collection service known as the “Crunch” operates throughout the year. Find out when it is in your area at www.basildon.gov.uk/crunch