22 Apr Roding Valley High School gains sponsorship for unique STEM activities
Students at Roding Valley High School will enjoy new science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) activities thanks to new funding from Haslers Chartered Accountants.
The firm, based in Loughton, will support the school over the next year with the launch of its new STEM programme, which is being supported by The Learning Partnership and social learning and community platform – Dendrite.
The Learning Partnership, which will help to deliver the programmes in local schools, is the organisation behind ‘Race To The Line’ a national model rocket car competition, the ‘Fly To The Line Glider’ program and the ‘Navigate To The Line’ lighter than air challenge.
Haslers Chartered Accountants is one of a number of national supporters of these programmes, which includes Amazon, Engineering UK, The Royal Academy of Engineering and The Imperial War Museum.
Jon O’Shea, Chairman at Haslers, said: “We are delighted to be supporting Roding Valley High School with its adoption of these new STEM activities. These skills are important to the local economy and there is a growing demand amongst employers for candidates with a background in STEM.
“By partnering with The Learning Partnership and Dendrite we hope to open up new opportunities to students with the goal of one day helping them into a sector that is STEM reliant.
“We would like to thank Roding Valley High School for offering us this chance to support their pupils.”
Haslers Chartered Accountants has a long history of supporting local schools to recognise and encourage excellence in a wide range of subjects.