30 May ROBERT WYNDHAM: The harsh reality Labour supporters don’t want to face
by Robert Wyndham
I’m pleased to announce that with some two weeks to go until the snap General Election all my final preparations are almost complete, just a few more rants and raves from me and on the 8th of June I will be marching down my local polling station here in Witham with my head held high and I hope to make an acceptable contribution to the conservative vote here in Essex.
I did attempt to enjoy my bank holiday but the local Labour canvassing group had other plans, I had not one but two visits and despite informing that I am a member of the free press and I didn’t wish to embark on a pointless conversation, I was roped into anther excruciating ‘left wing brain washing session’ which sadly claimed SEVENTEEN minutes of my life which it would seem I won’t get back.
Now I have taken it upon myself to outline some few harsh realities that Labour voters are failing to face.
1. Labour and event win on their own : The only way Jeremy Corbyn walks into 10 Downing Street is hand-in-hand with Nicola Sturgeon and with this coalition of chaos at the helm … God help us!
2. Do you really want Diane Abbott in the cabinet ?! By supporting or voting for the coalition of chaos you will be putting my favourite lady in charge of the police, now that’s your funeral!
3. We will have debt the size of Mount Killimanjaro under the Labour leadership, forget all this so called austerity you think you’re going through, your great grandkids will still be picking up the bill for the debt labour accumulate within a year.
Now I will leave you with this thought I always quote, if you where in trouble would you call Jeremy Corbyn or Theresa May ?
Anyway I know who I have my money on.