12 Aug Road users across #Essex are set to benefit
Road users across Essex are set to benefit from a successful £1.5 million funding bid towards a vital new junction on the M11.
Essex County Council (ECC) made the successful bid to the Department of Transport through the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP).
The funding will now contribute to ongoing works designing and creating the new Junction 7a, between Junction 7 and 8 on the M11.
These plans will be shaped by the results of a recent consultation into the plans which is due to be released this summer.
Cllr Rodney L Bass, Essex County Council Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, said: “I am delighted at the success of our funding bid.
“Junction 7a is a very important enhancement to the M11 that we believe, and always have believed, is needed.
“ECC as highways authority, Highways England and those involved in the economic growth zone of Harlow firmly believe that Junction 7a is vital to the future or Harlow and its economic enhancement.
“We recently engaged in a consultation which has now closed not on whether junction 7a should take place, but how.
“It is vital we now move quickly to ensure residents and businesses in Essex feel the benefit of this funding as soon as possible.”