20 Jul Plant a free Woodland Trust tree in the south east of England for your school, sports club or community group and help fight the climate and nature crisis
Time is running out for schools, sports clubs and community groups to take advantage of the Woodland Trust’s latest free trees giveaway and help the charity reach a staggering 16 million tree milestone.
The UK’s largest woodland conservation charity has given away a mind-boggling 15m saplings through its ever-popular free trees scheme since it started in 2010 – that’s an average of more than a million trees a year.
And with applications for the autumn delivery window closing next month, the Trust is urging people across the South East to take advantage of the “no-catch” scheme and help tackle the climate and nature crisis.
The spring delivery in March 2024 saw 48,950 saplings finding homes in the south east of England, as part of a total 365,985 trees sent out across the length and breadth of the UK:
In the south of England the numbers were as follows:
7,785 trees in London
5,520 trees in Greater London
12,750 trees in Kent
9,195 trees in Surrey
13,700 trees in Sussex
Applications for delivery in September 2024 are closing on 26 August.
Woodland Trust senior project lead Steve Shill said time is running out to get involved.
“Planting trees is such a simple action, but the collective impact can make a huge difference to people and the planet,” he said.
“Trees help nature, combat flooding, provide shelter and reduce pollution. And they unite communities, inspire pride and bring huge benefits for mental wellbeing.
“It’s a great way for schoolchildren and all sorts of community groups – from sports clubs to faith groups – to learn about the environment and do their bit.
“Every school should have trees, but if you don’t have space to plant, don’t worry – you can still get involved in planting. Why not partner with a local community group or council to plant trees in a public space?
The application process to secure your saplings is straightforward. Just visit https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/plant-trees/schools-and-communities/ to fill in the form and ensure your trees are on their way.
The Woodland Trust scheme delivers hundreds of thousands of free trees twice a year for planting in spring and autumn. Tree packs come in packs of 15, 30, 105 or 420 trees and in different varieties to suit their purpose – from hedging, copse, for wildlife or wild harvest.
The Trust’s tree packs have been generously funded by lead partners Sainsbury’s, Lloyds Bank, OVO, Bank of Scotland and Sofology.
Shill added: “As ever, the support and generosity of our funders is crucial; we simply couldn’t do this without them.
“The help each and every one of them provides is hugely appreciated and ensures we can provide and deliver our saplings in such huge numbers.”