04 Sep Over 50 affordable new homes under development in Hatfield Peverel
Over 50 new affordable homes are being built as part of a new housing development in Hatfield Peverel, Essex.
Essex-based housing association CHP will own and manage the affordable homes at the Hatfield Grove development located on a former dairy site. Working in partnership with Bellway Homes and Braintree District Council, the first of the properties will be available from spring 2021.
A total of 38 affordable rent and 20 shared ownership new homes will be created in a mix of one, two and three-bedroom houses and two-bedroom flats. The scheme is due to be completed in summer 2022.
Carl Hockey, CHP’s Growth and Partnerships Director said: “We are delighted to be working with our partners to deliver more high-quality affordable homes for our region. We are determined to meet local housing need, tackle the housing crisis and provide properties that people will be proud to live in and call home.”
Councillor Kevin Bowers, Cabinet Member for Homes at Braintree District Council, said: “Following the closure of the Arla Diary the Council have been working to support proposals to redevelop this large brownfield site. The Council attach great importance to the provision of affordable housing as part of new housing developments. The S106 legal agreement between the Council and the developer means that 50 of the 145 new homes being built are being provided as affordable housing, through our partners CHP, and this will make a welcome contribution towards addressing local housing needs.”
Braintree District Council will nominate people to live in the homes available for affordable rent.
To be considered for the shared ownership properties when they become available please register with Help to Buy at www.helptobuyagent3.org.uk