15 Jul Organisations in Southend have joined together to create an information pack supporting night time economy businesses
Organisations in Southend have joined together to create an information pack supporting night time economy businesses.
Partnership working through the Southend Night Time Economy Group has seen the development of a new document with information on what is available to businesses operating from 6pm to 6am. The pack contains details on organisations, resources that can be utilised for promoting a safe and vibrant nightlife, campaigns and initiatives, and common queries.
Southend City BID have led on the production of this pack with the assistance of the Southend Town Centre Police Team, Southend-on-Sea City Council, Southend and Leigh PubWatch, and other organisations that contribute to the Night Time Economy Group (NTEG).
Southend City BID Manager Suzanne Gloyne says “Southend has a great range of businesses offering a brilliant visitor experience in our night time economy, and we wanted to help highlight some of the services and support that is on offer to them if needed.
We brought a variety of materials together in one place to make it easy for businesses to find the support or information they need, and the collaboration on this project and others through the NTEG shows what great partnership working we have here in Southend.”
Nick Singer, Chair of Southend PubWatch and Operations Director at Star Amusements added “We really do have an incredible variety of businesses across Southend-On-Sea which appeal to both families and individuals. Our aim has and will always be to ensure the city is safe and welcoming for not only the local community but for the day and night time visitors too.
The local businesses and authorities have pulled together to form powerful partnerships in the city and it really shows the results we can achieve by working together, in particular those from within the night time economy who have helped shape the practical support being offered and will play such a critical role in driving change across the sector.”
Other more recent outcomes from the NTEG include distribution of Catastrophic Bleed Packs curtesy of the Liam Taylor Legacy Foundation, joint working on the Purple Flag Award which Southend has retained since it was first accredited in 2012, and the donation of a weapons detector to Essex Police.
If you’re a business or service operating in the Night Time Economy then you can head over to www.southendcsp.org.uk to download the pack.