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NHS shares simple tips to prevent falls and protect your health this winter

02 Oct NHS shares simple tips to prevent falls and protect your health this winter

Falls led to around 10,000 emergency hospital admissions in mid and south Essex last year* averaging over 700 admissions each month for older residents.

With one in three adults over 65 and half of those over 80 experiencing at least one fall annually, NHS Mid and South Essex is encouraging people to take action during National Falls Prevention Awareness Week to prevent falls and protect their health using the wide range of practical winter health information and advice available on its Winter Health Hub. The Hub includes information on falls prevention tools and local events that can help older adults live confidently without fear of falling.

Dr Matthew Sweeting, Executive Medical Director of NHS Mid and South Essex and Consultant Geriatrician at Broomfield Hospital, said, “Falling as we get older is quite common. Although most falls don’t cause serious injury, they can really dent our confidence, causing distress or embarrassment. Worse still, they can threaten our independence.

“The good news is there’s lots of things we can do to reduce the risk of falling and stay steady on our feet. Small actions like removing trip hazards, drinking plenty of water, and swapping old mishappen slippers for a well-fitting pair can help keep people safe and well.”

A free ‘Fall Proof’ guide is now available on the Winter Health Hub which provides practical tips and advice on how to reduce the risk of falling, as well as easy exercises to improve strength and balance. In addition, the Winter Health Hub includes information on local ‘Slipper Swap’ events, where older residents can trade in worn-out slippers for a free, NHS-approved pair to help reduce their risk of falls.

The NHS Mid and South Essex’s Winter Health Hub offers a range of resources to help people prepare for the colder months and maintain their health. It includes essential tips to help residents “winter proof” their health and wellbeing, by preparing for winter-related illnesses and injuries early, such as:
advice for residents, parents and carers on preventing illnesses;
a dedicated vaccinations section with information on when and where to get flu, COVID-19, and the new respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccinations;
guidance to help people manage minor health issues at home;
falls prevention advice and resources;
mental health support; and
advice and resources for those struggling with the rising cost of living.

To stay informed this winter, residents can also sign up for free emails from local healthcare experts, offering guidance on topics like vaccinations, mental health, falls prevention, and accessing the right care.