18 Nov New Essex child health app launched
A new App has been put together with health care workers across Essex, which provides self-care and advice to parents of children aged 0-11. It will support parents in knowing what to do if their child is unwell.
The Essex Child Health App is being launched today at the start of Self Care Week, which runs from 16-23 November.
Dr Sooraj Natarajan, GP Clinical Lead for Paediatrics in Mid and South Essex said:
“We are hoping that this app will reassure parents, it is normal to feel anxious when your child is ill. Sometimes their illness is obvious, they may have visible symptoms such as a runny nose, but other times it isn’t as easy. You know your child best and will know if something is out of the ordinary. Most illnesses such as sore throats and earache get better by themselves but it’s important that parents know what to do if their child is unwell and how to recognise the signs.”
Dr Hasan Chowhan, a GP in Colchester and chairman of the NHS North East Essex Clinical Commissioning Group, said:
“We are really pleased to support this new app which we hope will give parents the information, as well the confidence, to best look after their child’s health.
“Having the app will enable parents to quickly access the advice they need so they know what do. Many childhood illnesses can be best treated with over-the-counter medicine from the pharmacy or self-care at home, saving an unnecessary trip to the GP or A&E department.”
The new NHS Essex Child Health app has been designed to support parents, grandparents and carers across Essex find NHS advice at their fingertips to help look after their children’s health and recognise when they are unwell.
Many illnesses can now be treated at home with lots of rest and by using over-the-counter medicines. The NHS Essex Child Health app offers handy advice on some of these most common childhood illnesses, as well as helping you to understand when is the right time to chat to your school nurse, visit a local community pharmacist, GP or to call NHS 111.
New parents should be reassured that they do not need to attend A&E for every illness their child is facing as the app contains expert advice on the most common childhood illnesses as well as information on when and where to seek further help for more serious illnesses.
The app is free to download on both Android and Apple. Just search ‘NHS Essex Child Health’.