13 Jun Musician to perform a special gig to thank the specialists at Colchester Hospital who saved his sight
A writer and musician who nearly went blind after suffering a series of serious eye complications is to perform a special gig to thank the specialists at Colchester Hospital who saved his sight.
Martin Newell will take to the stage at Colchester Arts Centre on Sunday 17 June to raise money for the ophthalmology team, who he credits with helping give him to back his life following five years of eye problems.
The afternoon event, called “Eye Tunes”, will see the 65-year-old perform every song from his classic album The Greatest Living Englishman for the first and only time, along with 12 tracks from his other albums and some of his own poetry.
The gig will also be filmed for an upcoming documentary, with all proceeds going to the ophthalmology service, which is currently based at Essex County Hospital but will move to the Primary Care Centre, next to the main hospital, in the autumn.
Eye Tunes takes place at Colchester Arts Centre on Sunday 17 June at 2pm, with tickets priced at £10 or £8 for concessions. For more information or to book, visit www.colchesterartscentre.com or call 01206 827845.