05 Feb Mid and North East Essex Mind sign Armed Forces Covenant
Mid and North East Essex Mind, the local mental health charity, has signed the Armed Forces Covenant to demonstrate their commitment to the armed forces community.
The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation that those who serve or have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly. The covenant is a voluntary pledge which organisations can sign up to.
Mid and North East Essex Mind has set up a number of initiatives to support the Armed Forces community, such as promoting the organisation as an Armed Forces friendly organisation. The charity has also made a promise to provide flexible working arrangements for dependents during deployments, as well as supporting the employment of veterans, recognising military skills and qualifications in their recruitment and selection process. Mid and North East Essex Mind will also support national events such as Armed Forces Day and the Poppy Appeal. It has also committed to sourcing funding to provide mental health services for dependents, veterans and serving personnel.
Ginny Idehen, CEO Mid and North East Essex Mind, said: “We are delighted to demonstrate our commitment to the Armed Forces community and their families. Colchester is a major military base, and we have a responsibility to support such an important part of our community with their mental health and wellbeing.”
Colchester Garrison has a capacity for approximately 4000¹ military personnel and the city is home to the highest proportion of the Armed Forces population in Essex (79%²).
Lieutenant Colonel Ed Rankin, Commander of Colchester Garrison, said: “I congratulate Mid and North East Essex Mind on signing up to the Armed Forces Covenant and joining thousands of local authorities, businesses and charities across the country in declaring their support for the Armed Forces community.”