08 Jan Meet the Basildon company thats developing engineers of the future
Basildon based engineering company, TECOSIM, is offering work placements and graduate schemes to future engineers. Despite an upturn in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) studies, predictions forecast a future shortage of qualified engineers. To promote careers in engineering TECOSIM engages with universities and students, offering invaluable training and experience.
TECOSIM, specialists in Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE), regularly attends graduate fairs at Loughborough, Warwick and Anglia Ruskin universities, highlighting to students the benefits of working in the industry. TECOSIM provides one-year placements to students before they enter their final year of study. The year allows students to learn industry-specific software, build communication skills and potentially work on live client projects.
This year TECOSIM hired two placement students from Anglia Ruskin University. This opportunity granted them insight into CAE specialisation unavailable to them during their university course.
Commenting on his placement experience, George an engineering student at Anglia Ruskin said, “The main benefit of doing a placement, especially at TECOSIM, is the insight it has given me into industry standards and practices within CAE, something that a university course alone would not be able to provide, as well as learning how to use software and tools that can be a requirement to have when joining a company.
“The experience I have gained as a result of the placement is extremely beneficial in terms of current engineering knowledge and personal development. It has allowed me to comfortably transition from education to the workplace and as a result, has relieved a lot of pressure that comes with it. The experience I have gained and the connections I have made from working at TECOSIM will be invaluable in pursuing a career in the automotive CAE industry, which has been a passion and a goal of mine for some time.”
A common problem is the knowledge and skills vacuum that can occur when older engineers reach retirement. Offering work placements and schemes helps to plug that gap and promote business growth. The opportunity provides students with a safe space to build their confidence and technical knowledge in the working environment. They can also test their career path and the experience can provide a competitive advantage after they graduate.
As well as providing these opportunities, TECOSIM deliver training courses on software integral to their work. TECOSIM helps teach students about being independent, taking initiative and problem-solving as well as offering guidance and support to any student interested in engineering as a career.