13 Aug Meet Peter Oxley, the renowned Essex businessman who turned his film hobby into a business
by Dan Bryans
Dagenham based film fan Peter Oxley has spent year’s being a very vocal supporter of the UK film industry, in a candid interview with BritFlix today the local film fan turned businessman opened up about his journey.
Oxley who used the interview to open up about how he was taken to the cinema aged 11 to see Carry On Screaming is now a celebrated film investor after he has provided financial backing for a string of British independent films.
The retired businessman who shares a Dagenham home with wife Marian and their dog Roxy is also now a vocal member of the UK independent film scene.
In the interview with Britflix, Oxley discussed his relationship with prolific film producer Jonathan Sothcott in which he joked “I told him that I look up to him and he said that’s just because he’s taller than me.”
Oxley has vowed to promote the quality actors, films and film makers from across the UK.
View the full interview here: https://britflix.news/british-film-fan-peter-oxley-turns-passion-into-business/
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