12 Jun Marcus Mitchell on Love Island “Dani is my favourite for sure”
by Marcus Mitchell | COLUMNIST
Hello everyone! Welcome to my first column for Essex TV where I will be giving you all the lowdown and my opinions of last night’s shock episode of Love Island (Episode 5).
I was completely shocked by Kendall’s departure from the Villa, although I had a inkling her time would come to an end, it’s sad to see her leave so early on in the show as I think she would have had a lot more to offer.
Don’t get me started on Adam! I honestly thought he was likeable at first but then switched to a complete knob and a head f**k with the women (Rosie and Kendall). Kendall will no doubt seek therapy after this, the poor lass turned into a crumbled pie.
It’s clear to see that Adam is just looking for a shag, he’s not there for anybody else but himself.
Hayley reminds me of that one girl in a club who plays the dumb card to seek attention from the boys. She’s not the brightest bulb going but she needs to quit with the dumb, help me out, clueless act as it’s not helping her one bit. Not forgetting to mention her crafty act to win Eyal’s heart just so she can keep her place in the villa. Before you know it, when the girls pick for next week’s recoupling no doubt she’ll bin Eyal when she no longer needs him. She’s dumb but can be very clever when it comes to playing the game. She’s gorgeous but just has the shittest personality.
Dani and Jack are just the cutest couple in the villa, I can easily see them being crowned the winners of Love Island 2018 already. Dani is my favourite for sure, she’s just such a down to earth, soft hearted and genuine girl in there, she’s the realest out of them all and I hope her and Jack can make it work.
It’s crazy to realise that the first week of Love Island is already complete! I had very little hopes about this series but already it’s proven us wrong, it just keeps getting better and better every year. It’s the gift that keeps on giving as cringe as it sounds.
Please give my Twitter Page @MarcusLisle a follow thanks.
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