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Mackrell.Solicitors takes strides for justice in the 20th London Legal Walk

23 May Mackrell.Solicitors takes strides for justice in the 20th London Legal Walk

Mackrell.Solicitors is putting its best foot forward as it confirms its participation in this year’s London Legal Walk.

This momentous event marks the 20th anniversary of the walk, which unites the legal community to support access to free, life-changing legal advice for those in need.

The Mackrell.Solicitors’ team, comprising Chris Lane, Rochelle Hunt, Julie Pryor, Steph Winter, Tom Hulme, Gemma Hughes, Alexandra Gess, and Maria Scotland, will join the Lady Chief Justice and thousands of legal professionals in a ten-kilometre walk across London.

This collective effort is aimed at raising crucial funds for the London Legal Support Trust (LLST), which assists the most vulnerable in our society.

Over the past two decades, the London Legal Walk has raised an incredible £10.5 million, directly supporting hundreds of thousands of individuals in gaining access to justice.

This year, as the funding gap for legal advice services has widened alarmingly to over £30 million, the need for support is more critical than ever.

Chris Lane, Director of Business Development & Client Relations at Mackrell.Solicitors said: “London, where one in four people live in poverty after housing costs, has seen an exacerbated demand for legal aid amidst the ongoing cost of living crisis.

“The legal community’s response through initiatives like the London Legal Walk is vital in bridging this gap.

“We invite everyone to support our team’s commitment to justice. Your sponsorship will empower us and many others to continue providing essential legal services to those in dire need.”