01 Feb Lowell help make home learning easier for Debden Primary Academy
Lowell, a European leader in credit management, has donated 20 laptops to
Debden Primary Academy in Essex to help make learning accessible for students.
Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the majority of students at the school are
learning from home. This had put increasing pressure on the school’s technology
supply and on parents to provide suitable devices.
Matt Hawley, Head of Debden Primary Academy said: “Unfortunately, many
families are simply not equipped with the technology at home to access all
aspects of their remote learning provision. Some children have been using costly
data on their parents’ phones, and in other cases families only have one device
that needs to be shared between multiple siblings.”
A new study by Lowell has revealed the state of our children’s mental health and
anxiety levels in the UK due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. When children were
asked for their top concerns 57% stated schoolwork, whilst 20% are worried
about their friends being okay. As was seen during the first lockdown period in
2020, maintaining online connectivity with their teachers and friends is vital to
meet children’s educational outcomes and maintain their emotional wellbeing.
John Pears, Lowell UK Managing Director said: “At Lowell we are passionate
about giving back to those that need it the most. In these uncertain times it is
really important that children are able to continue their education and have
some normality in their lives. We understand the pressure on schools and
parents to be able to teach their children from home, so we hope the laptops
help to make a difficult time that bit easier.”
A parent from the school said: “In the last lockdown my three children really
struggled to keep up with their learning. We only have an iPad in the house, and
they were having to take turns using it to access the learning resources online.
When school reopened it was clear they had fallen behind a bit. I am really
happy this time they are able to use these kindly-donated computers. It has
made the whole situation a lot easier, thank you!”